2. Rosamunda


You know, it is said now that I’m part of the Gepid tribe, but one of my great-grandmothers was actually from the Visigoth tribe, those valiant warriors that were said to have come from across the mountains. My great-grandmother and her family lived off the land, breeding livestock, but would, also, fight bravely when necessary. Her life changed entirely when troubled news was brought from the east by their Ostrogoth brothers, who had been attacked by the Huns, many of them were forced to flee from these fearsome horsemen.

Not long after, her people suffered the same fate. The villagers left, leaving everything behind, but my great-grandmother stayed by her mother’s side who was very ill. She refused to abandon her no matter what, and so she got to live among the Huns and thus met my great-grandfather. My great-grandfather was...